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Seeds to Success

Why We Decided to Start a Blog

Why We Decided to Start a Blog

We, as an organization, are new to the world of blogs.  Technology has evolved rapidly and we try to keep up!  We've recently updated our website and increased our social media presence through Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

These platforms are useful in promoting our programs and services.  However, when we talked about how best to promote what we do, staff all agreed that we wanted a more personalized approach. 

We want to connect with our clients and business communities to foster strong working relationships and partnerships.  And that's when we decided to create a blog! 

Creating a Blog

We did some research and brainstormed about naming our blog, who would write it, and what topics we would tackle.  It was a lively discussion!

Our first step was to come up with a name that would reflect what we do and who we are as an organization.  Many names were suggested but 'Seeds to Success' was the ultimate winner.  It depicts perfectly what we do!  We help clients grow their business ideas from a dream to a reality - from seeds to success!

As for content, we discovered that many business blogs contain articles which provide tips and resources for their clients.  These articles are often written by subject matter experts outside the organization.  

We want to write articles based on our staff's own experiences, perspectives and expertise.  We want you, our clients and partners, to drive the content.  

We are a small rural office with strong connections to our business communities.  We want to focus on providing information that addresses our clients and partners' needs and concerns.

Here's what you can expect

Our intent is to publish articles in our blog regularly.  The articles will be written by CFWY staff.  We are lucky to have staff members with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise!  We may also collaborate with others, if needed.

We want to provide a forum for our clients to ask specific questions about their loans, business coaching, business planning, etc.  We'll have regular posts entitled 'Ask a Business Analyst'.  This section will be authored by our business analyst in response to YOUR questions.  Your identify will not be revealed in our blog so don't hesitate to ask any question, even if you think it's silly or obvious.

We will have articles on community economic development initiatives, marketing and social media strategies, as well as information on resources available in the West Yellowhead region.  

We will also feature programs and training that we are currently offering, along with upcoming projects and initiatives.

We welcome feedback at any time on how we can improve our blog.

Topics to Explore

We have topics for our first few articles.  Now we need your help to identify topics that would be useful to you as an aspiring entrepreneur, a local business owner or a community partner. 

Please let us know if there are any particular topics you'd like to see in our blog.  You can submit your topic ideas to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We'd love to hear from you!

Contact Us

221 Pembina Ave.
Hinton, AB  T7V 2B3
P: 780-865-1224

Communities Served

Bickerdike, Big Eddy, Brule, Bryan Spur, Cadomin, Carrot Creek, Coal Valley, Dalehurst, Diss, Edson, Eirth, Embarras, Entrance, Evansburg, Galloway, Grande Cache, Grey, Hanlon, Hargwen, Hinton, Holloway East, Holloway West, Hornbeck, Jasper, Leadman, Leyland, Luscar, MacKay, Marlboro, Medicine Lodge, Mercoal, Mountain Park, Niton Junction, Nojack, Pedley, Peers, Pocahontas, Robb, Shaw Fidler, Solomon, Steeper, Sterco, Swan Landing, Thordarson, Wild Hay, Wildwood, Winniandy North, Winniandy South, Wolf Creek, and Yates