Business Mentorship Program
Empowering Futures Together
One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination." – John C. Maxwell

Why Business Mentorship?
Mentors can inspire thought, stimulate reflection, tap discovery, and generate new aptitudes in a learner. A mentor is any individual who provides a less experienced person with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement, and constructive example. Mentors are good listeners, people who care, people who want to help others bring out the strengths that are already there.
Mentoring provides significant benefits to the mentor as well. Experienced mentors report that they actually feel that they get more out of the relationship than they give. While the benefits of mentoring are as diverse as the people who mentor, here are some of the themes heard from mentors: as a mentor you will be making a difference in someone’s life, learning about yourself, giving back, and (we hope!) having fun.
The Program offers a wide range of Benefits:
Each mentor/mentee relationship will develop in their own unique ways, based on the ideas and experiences of the individuals involved. The relationship provides an opportunity for learners to further expand their leadership network, and to learn new ideas around leadership, through the connection to a more senior leader in their area of interest.
The Business Mentorship Program will be based on the four phases of mentorship: 1. Preparing; 2. Negotiating; 3. Enabling; 4. Closure.
Applications for participation for mentors and mentees will be open year-round.

Program cost
Who can apply
Emerging leaders from all sectors can apply to the Business Mentorship Program.
A limited number of participants will be selected each cohort to participate in this 14-week program.
Residents of Jasper, Hinton, Edson, Grande Cache, and Yellowhead County are eligible to apply.