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Cold Creek Clothing

Cold Creek Clothing

Devlin Griffiths
Hinton, AB

Cold Creek Clothing in Hinton is owned and operated by Devlin Griffiths. Devlin first sought out Community Futures West Yellowhead when he was contemplating the expansion of his business.  With our support, he was able to put his plan into action!

In the last three years, Cold Creek Clothing has seen significant growth.  Currently, Devlin is introducing two new shopping options, Cold Creek Concierge and Cold Creek Closet, which will provide a more personalized experience for clients.

Devlin is a strong proponent of Community Futures West Yellowhead’s programs and services.  When asked about what advice he would give to new entrepreneurs and business owners, Devlin replied “take the SMARTstart program”.  Devlin has been participating in the program for the past 2 years as a mentor.  He thinks the information provided in this program is amazing!  

He said that he “loves the energy, involvement and support” he received from Community Futures West Yellowhead staff.  Devlin also added that “It’s obvious that they believe in what they do!”.

Be sure to check out Cold Creek Clothing at 181 Pembina Avenue in Hinton, on their website, Facebook, or Instagram!

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Contact Us

221 Pembina Ave.
Hinton, AB  T7V 2B3
P: 780-865-1224

Communities Served

Bickerdike, Big Eddy, Brule, Bryan Spur, Cadomin, Carrot Creek, Coal Valley, Dalehurst, Diss, Edson, Eirth, Embarras, Entrance, Evansburg, Galloway, Grande Cache, Grey, Hanlon, Hargwen, Hinton, Holloway East, Holloway West, Hornbeck, Jasper, Leadman, Leyland, Luscar, MacKay, Marlboro, Medicine Lodge, Mercoal, Mountain Park, Niton Junction, Nojack, Pedley, Peers, Pocahontas, Robb, Shaw Fidler, Solomon, Steeper, Sterco, Swan Landing, Thordarson, Wild Hay, Wildwood, Winniandy North, Winniandy South, Wolf Creek, and Yates